By: Zoe On: March 11, 2022 In: Press Releases Comments: 0

The winner of the 5th The NFT of the Week is an artwork called ‘Door of Piece’ by Mesko Svdiro Art.

The ‘Door of Piece’ depicts the sexiness of a woman’s body is heaven on earth, a man will find extraordinary pleasure when immersed in his womb. It is minted on the Tezos network.

nftoftheweek, n5

Twitter: @MeskoSvdiro

Capisco.Agency launched this weekly contest on Twitter to help collectors find the best NFTs in the market and allow artists of the NFT community to gain more visibility worldwide. The Capisco.Agency twitter community will vote for the Capisco.Agency NFT of the Year Award amongst all the NFT-of-the-Week winners at the end of the year. 

About Capisco.Agency
Capisco.Agency is an avantgardiste boutique agency that accompanies its clients into this PRESENT shifting moment to the FUTURE era of Web 3.0, blockchain, NFTs, crypto, decentralisation, shaping their future. Capisco.Agency creative and tech team is based in Switzerland, Philippines, Vietnam, Spain, France, and Netherlands.

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